Jason Worrell
Jason is MoveYourMoney’s engine, the driving force behind your all-in-one gambling website. He’s a betting analyst with a passion for sports and games who’s been following the industry developments since it made its first steps.
Danny Nolan
Count on Danny to find the best places to give your cash a spin while staying safe and complying with the law. He’s our betting editor, always keeping an eye on casino betting developments. Following his topics would always help you be up-to-date.
Evelyn Powell
For anything casino-related, count on Evelyn to keep you on top of the wave. Latest trends and news are her forte, but she’s also a real hound, guiding you in the bog of casinos with professionalism.
Michael Larson
Passionate about football, horse race and eSports betting. Digging the web about best odds, bookmakers and latest sports news on a daily basis. Likes Gourmet Restaurants and mountains.